Section Bgeography

  1. . The final section is the expedition, the main reason why people do the award scheme. The final section of this chapter will deal with recent developments. the final section of this chapter. First class seats are in the front section of the plane. Garnish the salad with fresh grapefruit sections.
  2. This area has been created to help students studying GCSE Geography on the Edexcel Exam board (Geography B) specifically, although most of the content is highly likely to be relevant for all other.
  3. Geography (from Greek: γεωγραφία, geographia, literally 'earth description') is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets.
sectionsec‧tion1 /ˈsekʃən/S1W1AWL nounSection BgeographyBgeography1place/object [countable]PART one of the parts that something such as an object or place is divided intosection ofa busy section of roadthe reference section of the libraryThe plane’s tail section was found in a cornfield.the smoking section (=where you can smoke)

Central America- Section B; Tay S. An artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel. The Chimaltenango Plateau is found in Guatemala. A word of French origins meaning plate. A large highland area of fairly level.

2part of a whole [countable]PART one of the separate parts of a structure, piece of furniture etc that you fit together to form the wholein sectionsThe boats were built in Scotland, and transported to Egypt in sections.see thesaurus at part3book/newspaper/report [countable]TCN a separate part of a book, newspaper, document, report etcThis issue will be discussed further in section two.sports/style/business/travel etc section (=particular part of a newspaper)4group of people [countable]GROUP OF PEOPLE a separate group within a larger group of peoplesection ofa large section of the American public5brass/rhythm/woodwind/string etc section6law [countable] one of the parts of a law or a legal documentArticle I, Section 8 of the US ConstitutionSection BgeographyDrawing a cross section geography7side/top view [countable, uncountable]AVD technical a picture that shows what a building, part of the body etc would look like if it were cut from top to bottom or side to sidecross-sectionin sectionHere’s the outside view, and here are the floors in section.8medical/scientific technicala)[countable, uncountable]MH a medicaloperation that involves cuttingcaesarean sectionb)[countable]MH a very thinflat piece that is cut from skin, a plant etc to be looked at under a microscope

Drawing A Cross Section Geography

9area of land [countable] American EnglishSGTOWN a square area of land in the US that is one mile long on each side10mathematics [countable] technicalHM the shape that is made when a solidfigure is cut by a flat surface in mathematics

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course.

Subject content

Living with the physical environment

  • 3.1.1 Section A: The challenge of natural hazards
  • 3.1.2 Section B: The living world
  • 3.1.3 Section C: Physical landscapes in the UK

Challenges in the human environment

  • 3.2.1 Section A: Urban issues and challenges
  • 3.2.2 Section B: The changing economic world
  • 3.2.3 Section C: The challenge of resource management

Geographical applications

  • 3.3.1 Section A: Issue evaluation
  • 3.3.2 Section B: Fieldwork

Geographical skills

  • 3.4 Geographical skills

What Is A Cross Section Geography


Paper 1: Living with the physical environment

What's assessed

3.1.1 The challenge of natural hazards, 3.1.2 The living world, 3.1.3 Physical landscapes in the UK, 3.4 Geographical skills

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 88 marks (including 3 marks for spelling, punctuation, grammar and specialist terminology (SPaG))
  • 35% of GCSE


  • Section A: answer all questions (33 marks)
  • Section B: answer all questions (25 marks)
  • Section C: answer any two questions from questions 3, 4 and 5 (30 marks)
  • Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Cross Section Geography

Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment

What's assessed

3.2.1 Urban issues and challenges, 3.2.2 The changing economic world, 3.2.3 The challenge of resource management, 3.4 Geographical skills

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 88 marks (including 3 marks for SPaG)
  • 35% of GCSE


  • Section A: answer all questions (33 marks)
  • Section B: answer all questions (30 marks)
  • Section C: answer question 3 and one from questions 4, 5 or 6 (25 marks)
  • Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Drawing A Cross Section Geography

Paper 3: Geographical applications

What's assessed

3.3.1 Issue evaluation, 3.3.2 Fieldwork, 3.4 Geographical skills

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • 76 marks (including 6 marks for SPaG)
  • 30% of GCSE
  • Pre-release resources booklet made available 12 weeks before Paper 3 exam


  • Section A: answer all questions (37 marks)
  • Section B: answer all questions (39 marks)
  • Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Section Geography Definition


Section Geographic Definition

  • Specification for first teaching in 2016 (661.4 KB)