Ot Theology Lecture Notesonline Lutheran Bible Study

Sign in to like videos, comment, and subscribe. Watch Queue Queue. 'Textual Criticism in the Old Testament,' in Method Matters (Festschrift for David L. Petersen); Notes on 1 and 2 Kings in Lutheran Study Bible. “Stewardship in the Old Testament,” Currents in Theology and Mission Vol.36 No. 5 (October 2009): 330-334 “1 Samuel,” Word Biblical Commentary 10, Second Edition. Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)- Bible Study. Education Details: undefined Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) - Bible Study (Sola gratia, Sola fide, Sola scriptura) 'The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod believes, teaches and confesses that in Christ alone is there salvation - by grace alone, through faith alone, on the basis of Scripture alone. Lcms bible studies with answers. We hope that the Bible study material posted at this Web site will both increase your knowledge of the Bible and theology and also encourage you to buy and read books by great Christian theologians and preachers. The full contents of this site can be seen at a glance.

Master of Divinity Courses

Bible (28)
BI 301 Old Testament Survey (2)
BI 311 Pentateuch & History (3)
BI 321 Psalms & Wisdom Literature (3)
BI 331 Prophets (3)
BI 302 New Testament Survey (2)
BI 341 Synoptic Gospels (3)
BI 351 Gospel of John/Johannine Literature (3)
BI 361 Pauline Epistles 1 (3)
BI 362 Pauline Epistles 2 (3)
BI 371 Pastoral Epistles (3)
Theology & History (25)
ST 300 Lutheran Hermeneutics (2)
ST 301 Creation and the Triune God (3)
ST 302 Jesus the Christ and the Triune God (3)
ST 303 Holy Spirit and the Mission of the Church (3)
ST 311 The Lutheran Confessions (3)

Ot Theology Lecture Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Bible

ST 401 The Theology of Martin Luther (2)
HI 301 Church History 1: To the Reformation (3)
HI 302 Church History 2: The Reformation (3)
HI 303 Church History 3: Since the Reformation (3)
Practical Theology (23)
PT 301 Homiletics I (3)
PT 302 Homiletics II (3)
PT 311 Worship (3)
PT 321 Being a Pastor 1 (1)
PT 321 Being a Pastor 2 (1)
PT 321 Being a Pastor 3 (1)Free online lutheran bible study
PT 331 Introduction to Pastoral Care (3)
PT 341 Introduction to Children & Family Ministry (2)
PT 351 Introduction to Youth Ministry (2)
PT 361 Introduction to Senior Adult Ministry (2)
PT 371 Introduction to Education (2)
Mission/Evangelism (8)
ME 301 Foundations of Evangelism (2)
ME 302 Church Planting (2)
ME 303 Effective Lutheran Witness (2)
ME 304 Community Building & Outreach (2)

Parish Service
Certificate Courses

Lutheran Hermeneutics (3)
Old Testament Survey (3)
New Testament Survey (3)
Systematic Theology
Creation and the Triune God (3)
Jesus the Christ and the Triune God (3)
Holy Spirit and Mission of the Church (3)
The Lutheran Confessions (3)
Practical Theology
Homiletics I (3)
Homiletics II (3)
Worship (3)
* Introduction to Pastoral Care (3)
* Introduction to Youth Ministry (3)
* Introduction to Senior Adult Ministry (3)
* Introduction to Education (3)Ot theology lecture notes online lutheran bible study lessons
* Any two courses in this series

Lutheran Year Courses

Lutheran Hermeneutics (3)
Systematic Theology
Creation and the Triune God (3)
Jesus the Christ and the Triune God (3)
Holy Spirit and Mission of the Church (3)
The Lutheran Confessions (3)
Church History 2: The Reformation (3)
Practical Theology
Homiletics II (3)
Worship (3)

Doctor of Ministry Courses

Course 1 – The Law/Gospel Hermeneutic
Course 2 – The Law/Gospel in Preaching
Independent Study – Paper Project
Year 2
Course 1 – L/G in Pastoral Care/Education
Course 2 – L/G in Leadership
Independent Study – Thesis Proposal
Course 1 – L/G in Evangelism
Course 2 – Elective
Independent Study – Thesis Defense

Doctor of Ministry Courses

Year 1
Course 1 – The Law/Gospel Hermeneutic
Course 2 – The Law/Gospel in Preaching
Independent Study – Paper Project
Course 1 – L/G in Pastoral Care/Education
Course 2 – L/G in Leadership
Independent Study – Thesis Proposal
Year 3
Course 1 – L/G in Evangelism
Course 2 – Elective
Independent Study – Thesis Defense

Mission Developer Courses

Semester One: Foundations
Semester Two: Entering the field
(Identification and Invitation)
Semester Three: Incorporation
Semester Four: Involving

Master ofDivinity

The Master of Divinity program prepares pastors and missionaries to bear witness to the saving work of God in Jesus Christ. This 84 credit program is built on a firm foundation of biblical and theological studies, while also training students in the practice of parish ministry and mission development.

Students engage in their studieswhile simultaneously working in a parish context under thedirection of a mentoring pastor and congregation. This methodprovides students with the opportunity to put their learningdirectly to work. The internship requirements of the program arebuilt into the curriculum, to be completed throughout the term ofenrollment.

Master of DivinityProgram Requirements

  • Bachelor’s Degree (2.5 GPA)


  • Mentoringcongregation
  • Pastoral mentor

Degree Requirements

Ot Theology Lecture Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Guide

  • 84 credit hours
  • Internship/field education


  • $350/mo for duration of enrollment

Parish ServiceCertificate

In a variety of contexts, theHoly Spirit raises up leaders in congregations who have not gonethrough the traditional seminary program. In rural congregations, alocal farmer is called to preach when the pastor retires. In urbancenters, limited financial resources make the calling of a pastordifficult—so a committed volunteer steps into the void. Inimmigrant communities, the immediate need for preachers andteachers who speak the language of the people calls people intoservice without waiting for degree completion.

The Parish ServiceCertificate provides these faithful servants of the Wordwith the tools needed to engage in this work. A grounding inScripture and the Lutheran theological tradition, along with basicskills in preaching, teaching, evangelism, and pastoral care,provides the foundation for effective ministry in these specialcircumstances. The Parish Service Certificate isnot a shortcut to ordained ministry. Rather, it recognizes theever-changing needs of congregations and is designed to meet thoseneeds as efficiently as possible.

Parish ServiceCertificate Program Requirements
Contextual Requirements

  • Mentoringcongregation
  • Pastoral mentor


  • 30 credit hours
  • Field education


In cases where a student receives the bulk of their theological education from a non-Lutheran school, but intends to serve in Lutheran churches, certain core courses from a Lutheran perspective can be helpful. The Lutheran Year courses are recommended to help prepare students serve effectively and faithfully in a Lutheran setting.

Doctor of Ministry in Stewardship ofthe Word

Through this course of study, students will hone skillsand understanding of the pastoral work of bringing God’s Word ofLaw & Gospel to bear in the variety of circumstances that arisein the course of parish service. Through a combination of coursework, independent study, and a thesis, students will explore therich depths of the Law/Gospel hermeneutic as the foundation ofpastoral work. All courses are taughtonline using video conferencing.

Admission Requirements:

  • Master of Divinity or equivalent (ministryexperience does not substitute for degree).
  • Undergraduate and Seminary transcripts (sentdirectly from institution to SPLS).
  • Minimum of 3 years of ministry experience afterreceiving MDiv or equivalent.
  • 3 letters of recommendation.
  • Sponsoring congregation/ministry site.
  • Entrance essay.
  • Sermon sample.


  • $1500 per course
  • $400 thesis/project fee

* Accredited program fees slightly higher and intensive courses (2-3) require a short campus stay.

Mission DeveloperCertificate

Planting and serving a new congregation is a special calling,involving a unique set of skills and gifts. This practicum-orientedprogram spans four semesters over two years, addressing knowledge,skill, aptitude, formation, action, and accountability in the newministry development field. Combining directed reading, 1-2 monthlyonline lecture and discussion sessions, and practicum assignmentsto be completed between sessions, preferably in the context of thestudent’s role as a mission developer, this hands-on program isperfect for pastors or lay leaders who are interested in serving asmission developers.


  • $700 per course (for credit)
  • $350 per course for auditors/clergy continuinged.

Access past lectures

Below find video, audio or print records of past lectures held at Luther Seminary. Not all lectures were recorded; those that were are listed below.

Ot Theology Lecture Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study

Aus Memorial Lecture


Mark Teasdale


Lost and Found


Teresa Fry Brown


Peri Rasolondraibe


Craig Koester
Asher O. and Carrie Nasby Chair of New Testament at Luther Seminary
Rolf Jacobson
Associate Professor of Old Testament


Tom Long
Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta


Roger Olson
Professor of Theology, George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University, Waco, Texas


Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean
Associate Professor of Youth, Church and Culture & Director, Tennent School of Christian Education, Princeton Theological Seminary


Dr. Greg Boyd
Senior Pastor, Woodland Hills Church, St. Paul, Minn.


Robert A. Kolb
Mission Professor of Systematic Theology, and Director of the Institute for Mission Studies, Concordia Seminary – St. Louis


Patrick R. Kiefert
Professor of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary


Michael Rogness
Alvin N. Rogness Professor of Preaching, Luther Seminary


Rev. Dr. John Piper
Pastor of Preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis.


Jean Bethke Elshtain
Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political Ethics, University of Chicago Divinity School


The Rev. Dr. Gordon MacDonald

Rutlen Faith and Creation Lecture


Land and Kin: Reimagining Our Humanity through the Bible
Ellen F. Davis
Interim Dean and Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology
Duke Divinity School


Creation, Sin and Sacrament in the Anthropocene
Larry Rasmussen
Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Union Seminary in New York City


Anticipating our Future Food and Faith World
Dr. Frederick L. Kirschenmann
Professor of Philosophy and Religion,
Iowa State University; Distinguished Fellow, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture


How Does the Bible Support the Care of Creation?
Dr. Calvin DeWitt
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Word & World Lecture


Time, Hospitality, and Belonging: Towards a Practical Theology of Mental Health and Illness
John Swinton
Professor at the Centre for Spirituality, Health, and Disability,
University of Aberdeen, UK


Reformation and Inculturation: Towards the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation
Martin Junge
General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation


For the Nations, through the Nathans: When Word Speaks to World
Fred Gaiser
Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary, Editor of Word & World


Between Two Worlds: The Inner Lives of Children of Divorce
Elizabeth Marquardt
Vice President for Family Studies; Director of the Center for Marriage and Families,
Institute for American Values, New York City


Paul as Theologian: His Vocation and Its Significance for His Theology
Arland J. Hultgren
Asher O. and Carrie Nasby Professor of New Testament,
Luther Seminary


A Theology of the Land
Ellen F. Davis
Professor of Bible and Practical Theology,
Duke Divinity School


The New Green Christianity: Why the Church is Vital to Saving the Earth
Mark I. Wallace
Professor of religion and member of the Interpretation Theory Committee and the Environmental Studies Committee,
Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania


What is a Christian? Answers from the Global South
Amy Plantinga Pauw
Henry P. Mobley Professor of Doctrinal Theology,
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary


Today this Word is Fulfilled in Your Hearing’: A Scriptural Hermeneutic of Biblical Authority
Gail R. O’Day
Associate Dean of Faculty & Academic Affairs and A. H. Shatford Professor of Preaching and New Testament,
Candler School of Theology, Emory University


The Cost of Discipleship: The Witness of the African Church
Andrew Walls
Honorary professor, Curator of the Centre Collections, Historian of world Christianity and of Christianity and culture,
University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Tasgara Hirpo
Pastor to Oromo-speaking evangelical Christians in the Federal Republic of Germany, former president of the Western Synod of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (1971-1982) and professor at the Mekane Yesus Seminary (1978-82)
Hermannsburg, Germany


Restoring the Dignity of the Human Spirit
Douglas Johnson
Executive Director, Center for Victims of Torture,
Minneapolis, Minnesota


The Lively Work of the Spirit in the Reformation
Jane Dempsey Douglass
Emerita Professor of Historical Theology,
Princeton Theological Seminary

Fretheim Lecture


Dr. Beverly Roberts Gaventa


Dr. Dennis Olson
Charles Haley Professor of Old Testament Theology,
Princeton Theological Seminary

  • “My God, Why? The Variety of Biblical Responses to Suffering” – Watch the lecture by Dennis Olson
  • Sermon on Luke 24:13-35 – Watch the sermon by Dennis Olson


Dr. Walter Brueggemann
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament,
Columbia Theological Seminary

Burgess Lecture in Global Mission


Transforming Biblical Hermeneutics: The Bible as a Resource for Holistic Renewal in Africa in Light of the Reformation
The Rev. Dr. Kenneth Mtata
General Secretary, Council of Churches in Zimbabwe


The Global Nature of the Reformation: Why Africa’s Contribution Matter
The Rev. Dr. Elieshi Ayo Mungure
Area Secretary for Africa, Department for Mission and Development, Lutheran World Federation, Geneva


Four Horsemen — The Catastrophic Four Years that Remade the World’s Religions
Dr. Philip Jenkins
Distinguished Professor History, Baylor University
Co-Director for Baylor’s Program on Historical Studies of Religion in the Institute for Studies of Religion, and
Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Humanities Emeritus at Pennsylvania State University (PSU)


Becoming an Icon of God: Spiritual Foundations of Personal and Ecclesial Mission
William R. Burrows
Research Professor of Missiology in the World Christianity Program, New York Theological Seminary; Managing Editor Emeritus, Orbis Books


“Treasure in Earthen Vessels”: Immigration, Religion and the American Church
Jehu J. Hanciles
Associate Professor of History of Christianity and Globalization, and Director of the Center for Missiological Research, School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, Calif.


Mission, Culture and Reign of God
Stephen Bevans, S.V.D.
Louis J. Luzbatek, S.V.D. Professor of Mission and Culture, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Ill.


Account for the Hope: Mission at Home with Pluralism
Dr. S. Mark Heim
Samuel Abbot Professor of Christian Theology, Andover Newton Theological School
“Account for the Hope: Mission At Home With Pluralism”


The Gospel and Ethics Revisited: Pre-Christendom Faith in a Post-Christendom World
Jonathan J. Bonk
Executive Director, Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, Conn.


The Quotidian and the Mission of the Church: Saving Souls, Feeding Bodies, Healing Lives
Wanda Deifelt
Associate Professor of Religion, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa


Healing & Reconciliation: Articulating Misseo Dei Today
Rafael Malpica-Padilla
Executive Director, Global Mission Unit, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Pluralism, Proselytism and Christian Mission
J. Paul Rajashekar
Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia


What Happened to the Christian Home? Controversies over Gender and Mission in the 21st Century
Dana Robert
Truman Collins Professor of World Mission, School of Theology, Boston University


The Spirit Moves: Christian Presence and African Responses in Time Perspective
Ogbu Kalu
Henry W. Luce Chair for World Christianity and Mission, McCormick Theological Seminary


Mission Evangelism and the ‘McDonaldization’ of the Church of America
Dr. Phillip Bake
Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, S.C.


Conversion, Culture and Christian Mission
Andrew Walls
Professor & Curator, Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World
University of Edinburgh, Scotland; Guest Professor of Ecumenics and Mission, Princeton Theological Seminary, N.J.


The Gospel, Religious Pluralism and Faith Commitment: The Theological Challenges
Lamin Sanneh
D. Willis James Professor of Missions and World Christianity; Professor of History
Yale College, New Haven, Conn.


Russian Roots of the American Spirit: Reflections on the Bicentennial of Eastern Orthodoxy in North America
Jaroslav Pelikan
Sterling Professor of History, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.


Mission in a Troubled World and Pointers from Experiences in Africa and Eastern Europe
Risto Lehtonen
Church of Finland and former Director of Church Cooperation for Lutheran World Federation


Jesus and the Muslim and The Christian Obligation in the Muslim World Today
Kenneth Cragg
Honorary Assistant Bishop, Diocese of Oxford, England

Hein-Fry Lecture


Hearing the Word: Lutherans Read the Bible with the Ecumenical World
Rev. Dr. Eleishi Mungure,’07
Professor of Theology, Dean of Students
Makumira University College, Tanzania


Hearing the Word: Teaching the Bible in the Parish and Beyond
Dr. David Rhoads
Professor of New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Response by:
Diane Jacobson
Professor of Old Testament
Luther Seminary


Dr. Steed Davidson
Assistant Professor of Old Testament
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary


Dr. Lamin Sanneh
D. Willis James
Professor of Missions and World Christianity & Professor of History
Yale Divinity School

Church in Public Life Lecture


Be Not Afraid: The Christian Calling to Build Welcoming Communities
Linda Hartke
President and CEO, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service


The Rev. John A. Nunes
President and CEO, Lutheran World Relief

  • Watch the lecture by John A. Nunes


The Rev. Dr. Mark Hanson
Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Christians and Citizenship in Election Time
Rev. Dr. Mark Hanson
Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Free Online Lutheran Bible Study

Keifert Public Lecture


“Being Welcomed by the Stranger: A Future for Theological Education?”
Dr. Patrick Keifert
Professor and Olin S. and Amanda Fjelstad Reigstad Chair of Systematic Theology
Luther Seminary