A special Bible study series was prepared for the 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in July 2019, and it relates to the convention theme, “Joy:fully Lutheran.” The five-part study is particularly appropriate for congregational or group use during the Lent or Easter seasons, and it provides a joyful balance. The “Joy:fully Lutheran” Bible study is based on the 2019 convention theme verse: “See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. Lutheran Study Bible features the NRSV translation as well as introductions, notes, and articles written by more than sixty Lutheran pastors and teaching theologians. This resource is designed to invite readers to experience the Bible and its message through solid background material, unique Lutheran insights, and opportunities for faith. This is the final study of Jude. It relates to verses 22-25. How much capacity do you have in handing out mercy? Can we love the soul of another but oppose their words? Jude reminds us we should reach out to save the deceived. Touch the blue reading to move forward for the final study on Jude.
Your Strong Suit Video Bible Study
Join us online for an eight week, verse-by-verse study of Ephesians 6:10-18. The armor of God details the incredible protection that God provides to His children. Even though we may not like discussing spiritual warfare, it is necessary because it is real. Spiritual warfare has the potential to rob us of peace and security only to leave behind doubt and unrest. But God offers protection to us – HIS protection. Journey through this study as we learn about the battle, our enemy, our armor, and our place in God’s army. But most importantly, we come to know the rock solid truth that God has provided everything needed for us to proclaim ultimate victory.
Join us in Bible Study online!
Join Donna Snow and your LWML friends from around the world as we unite together in Bible study. The recordings from past lessons are available through the links below.
Your Strong Suit lessons
Lesson 1: His Mighty Strength (live on 10/6/2020)
Lesson 2: The Powers Over This Present Darkness(live on 10/13/2020)
Lesson 3: The Full Armor of God(live on 10/20/2020)
Lesson 4: Truth and Righteousness(live on 10/27/2020)
Lesson 5: The Feet of God’s Peace(live on 11/3/2020)
Lesson 6: The Shield of God’s Protection(live on 11/10/2020)
Lesson 7: Our Helmet and Sword(live on 11/17/2020)
Lesson 8: Pray Without Ceasing(live on 11/24/2020)
Watch an introductory message from Donna about the Bible study
For a more in-depth study, the Your Strong Suit study guide is available through the LWML store.
Archived videos for Your Strong Suit will remain online for the duration of the study; after the study ends they will remain online for a limited time only.
Originally published as a DVD Bible study with workbook through the LWML Store, item number LWML68930.
Your Strong Suit is authored by Donna Snow.
Donna Pyle
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The Task-Filled Life Bible Study
on the LWML On The Go Podcast
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the crazy life we are living? The LWML On The Go Podcast is featuring The Task-Filled Life April 15 through December 16, 2020. This Bible study encourages us as we learn more of the hope that comes only through our Lord.
Learn how to subscribe to the LWML On The Go Podcast here, or read and listen to each session on the LWML website here.
Bible Studies in the
LWML Store
Your Strong Suit
A Missionary? Me?
Where Love Abides
Peter …
From Fisherman to Fisher of Men
Lutheran Study Bible (Hardcover)
An ELECTRONIC VERSION of Lutheran Study Bible is now available.Lutheran Study Bible features the NRSV translation as well as introductions, notes, and articles written by more than sixty Lutheran pastors and teaching theologians. This resource is designed to invite readers to experience the Bible and its message through solid background material, unique Lutheran insights, and opportunities for faith reflection. Reader-friendly, inviting, and engaging, this is the perfect study Bible for those who want to encounter Scripture in a fresh and new way!
Lutheran Study Bible includes four types of study notes:
- The World of the Bible notes explore the historical, cultural, and geographic background of a particular passage.
- Biblical Concepts explain key words or themes in the context of other parts of Scripture.
- Lutheran Perspectives highlight Lutheran theological insights and catechetical connections drawn from particular passages.
- Faith Reflections provide commentary and questions that encourage life application.
Lutheran Daily Bible Study
Lutheran Study Bible contains 10-point biblical text and 7-point study notes. See the chart of Bible Type Sizes below for comparison of type point size.Lutheran Devotional Bible Studies Online Lutheran Bible Study Lessons
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