Unit 4 - Customer Service in Travel and Tourism P3 - Describe the customer service skills required to meet customer needs in travel and tourism contexts ( ) Courses, subjects, and textbooks for your search. Make sure you understand what is expected from you.
Improve Writing Skill > English 1 > Unit 4: Travel
Since the Homework Center can't tell you what to write on, here are some suggestions for coming up with a good topic. - First, choose a subject that interests you. Let's say you like dogs.
- Then try to narrow the subject down to something you can write about knowledgeably. Let's say you have a beagle and you know a lot about beagles based on your experience of owning one.
- Now come up with a statement about your topic. 'Beagles are the best breed of dog.' This will be your thesis statement or 'hook.'
- To write your paper, answer the question 'why' at least five times. A beagle is the best because 'beagles are smart' or 'beagles are neither too small nor too big — they're just right.'
- Wrap it up. Write a brief conclusion that summarizes the points you have made. 'Clearly, beagles are best because they're smart and they're just the right size.'
Read more: Writing Skills: Tips for Writing Essays | Infoplease.comhttp://www.infoplease.com/homework/hwessays.html#ixzz2WDRfCbbI |
Tourism Geography Journal
Unit 4: Travel And Tourism Geography Activity
Start studying IGCSE Travel and Tourism Unit 4 Vocabulary. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Specifically developed for the L2 BTEC Travel and Tourism Unit 4 (relating to P2 assessment criteria). There are key terms/notes for students, along with lesson activities relating to this topic area - Worldwide and European Travel and Tourism Destinations. Prezi’s Big Ideas 2021: Expert advice for the new year; Dec. How to increase brand awareness through consistency; Dec.