- Terza Media Geography Definition
- Terza Media Geography Definition
- Esami Terza Media
- Terza Media Geography Group
Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe: Concepts and Conditions (Intellect Books - European Communication Research and Education Association) Home. Gandhi, Picasso7 and the Beatles and even a magazine like The Economist believes that 'any phenomenon can said to be joined in mass culture only after it has been represented in The Simpsons',8 it is evident that the artistic value of The Simpsons is in line with what Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote in the note that 'art is the power of humanizing nature, of instill the thoughts and passions of.
Terza Media Geography Definition
Phone: 095 7147552
Office Hours: Tuesday and Friday from 12:00 to 13:00
2018-present: Assistant Professor in Economic and Political Geography, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania (Italy).
2017-2018:Post-doc fellow in Economic and Political Geography, Department of Economics and Business, University of Catania (Italy). Research programme: “Territory, Tourism and new technologies: The Smart Tourist Destination”.
2016-2018:Fixed-term Lecturer in Digital Communication for Cultural Heritage, Department of Cultures and Society, University of Palermo (Italy).
2010-2012:Post-doc fellow in Economic and Political Geography, Department of Architecture, University of Catania (Italy). Research Programme: “Information, global networks and local identities in the geography of communication”.
2014-2021: Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Associate Professor in Geography (also obtained for the period 2018-2026).
2017: PhD in Territory and Landscape Sciences, University of Sassari (Italy). Final mark: Excellent.
2016: Winner of the Annual Award of the Italian Geographical Society for Young Geographers.
2009: PhD in Geography, University of Catania (Italy). Final mark: Excellent.
2005: Master’s degree in European Languages and Cultures, with a final dissertation in Geography. Final mark: Magna cum laude.
2017-2018: Affiliated Researcher, Center for migration studies- “Mediterraneo Sicilia Europa” Foundation & University Network for East Mediterranean, located in Noto (Sicily, Italy).
2017-2019: Researcher, PRIN - Relevant National Interest Research Project on “Retail, consumption and the city”, funded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research.
2017-2019: Researcher, PRIN - Relevant National Interest Research Project on “Geographies and Governance of Migration in Italy”, funded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research.
2017-2020: Researcher for the Research programme on “Deindustrialization and Sustainable Development”, funded by the University of Catania.
2017-present: Member of the research group of the Italian Geographical Society working for at the Annual Report (2016: on migration flows from and to Italy; 2017: on the energy scenery in Italy).
2015-2018: Researcher, Research Programme on “The paradigm of Smart City for creative tourism in Unesco sites. The case of Mount Etna”, funded by the University of Catania.
2015: Researcher, Research Programme on “Smart City - urban renewal and tourist attractiveness in the digital city”, funded by the UE MED Programme – MEDISS project.
2014-2015: Researcher, research project on “SINERGREEN- RES NOVAE (Smart Intelligent GREEN Energy) – Smart Energy Master for the energy management of territory”, funded by Sicily Region.
2014: Researcher, National Observatory of Structural Policies for Agriculture within a project coordinated by the Italian Geographical Society and the Italian Institute for Agriculture and Food market.
2014: Researcher, research project on “Cities between crisis and resilience. New functional and relational challenges”, funded by the UE MED Programme – MEDISS project.
2013: Researcher, Research project on “Urban Landscapes in transformation: the relationship among city, consumption and tourism”, funded by the UE MED Programme – MEDISS project.
2013: Researcher, Research Project on “Ecological sustainability of new processes for high environmental risk areas”, funded by Sicily Region.
2012: Researcher, Research Project on “Renforcer les capacités d’innovation de la filière Senteurs Saveurs sur le pourtour de la Méditerranée”, funded by the UE MED Programme – MEDISS project.
2012-present: Affiliated Researcher of the International research group on “City, Urban Retail and Consumption”, University of Catania and Naples, University of Barcelona, University of Lisbon, University of San Paulo.
2011-2012: Researcher, International Research Programme on “E-diasporas Atlas”, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme di Parigi, funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France), ParisTech, Migrinter, INA.
2010-present: Affiliated Researcher, several research groups of the Association of Italian Geographers (“Retail spaces and consumption”; “Media & Geography”; “Information and Innovation Geography”; “Geography of Migrations” etc.).
2009-present: Affiliated researcher, “ICT4D. Information and Communication Technologies for development” International Network,Department of Geography - Royal Holloway, University of London.
2005-2008:Researcher, Mediterranean Observatory of the University of Catania (Italy).
2019 (June-December): Visiting Academic (with grant), Universitat of Barcelona (Spain), within a programme for international mobility funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research & CRUI – Conference of Italian Universities Rectors.
2019 (March): Feltrinelli Foundation Grant (Milan)
2011: Invited Visiting Fellow, Tic & Migrations Research Group, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris (FMSH). Research programme: “Les Tic dans les diasporas tunisienne et italienne”.
2010: Invited Visiting Fellow,ICT4D-Information and communication technologies for development research group, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, UK. Research programme:“ICTs, migration and development in the Maghreb”.
2008, June: Grant funded by the Province of Catania for the short-term visiting stay at the Maynooth University (Ireland) as a member of the working group on “Historic Houses of Sicily and Ireland”.
2006, September: Grant funded by the Oriental University of Naples for the summer school on “Cultural Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean”.
2006, December: Grant funded by the Province of Catania for a fieldwork in Tunis as a member of the Mediterranean Observatory of the University of Catania.
2005, May-July: Internship funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Italian Permanent Delegation of the North-Atlantic Council in Brussels.
2004, January-July: Fellowship funded by the UE Erasmus Project to carry out fieldwork and archive researches at the Université Paris VII – Denis Diderot of Paris.
2018-present: Member of the Steering Committee of the IGU-YECG (International Geographical Union - Young & Early Career Geographers) Task Force.
2017-present: Member of the Editorial and Scientific Board of the series “Geographical narratives of the Territory” of “Aracne”, publisher in Rome.
2009-present: Referee for the following Italian and international journals: The Cultural Capital. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage; European Urban and Regional studies; Cities,Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development;The Geographical review; Geotema; Rivista Geografica Italiana; Territorio, Cities, Sustainability.
2012-present: Chair of national and international sessions of congresses (organized by the Society of Geographical studies, the Association of Italian Geographers and the Italian Society of Geography; the European Association of Geographers; the University of Catania).
2005-present: Invited Lecturer for seminars at the University of Catania, Messina, Bologna (Italy); Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London.
2009-present: Speaker at 52 congresses and seminars in universities and research institutes in Italy (Catania, Bergamo, Palermo, Macerata, Rome, Bologna, Turin, Milan, Florence, Pescara, Naples) and abroad (Amsterdam, Tours, Valletta,Paris, Istanbul, Lisbon, Manchester, Cork, Maynooth).
Terza Media Geography Definition
2010-present: Enrolled at the National Register of Italian Journalists as a free-lance journalist.
Excellent knowledge of English and French; good knowledge of Spanish; elementary knowledge of catalan.
Excellent knowledge of tools and app for visualizing web link and creating graph maps (Navicrawler, Hyphe, Gephi, Netvizz)
Esami Terza Media
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Bachelor's Degree in Land and landscape planning and protection - 1 Year
Terza Media Geography Group
Bachelor's Degree in Land and landscape planning and protection - 1 Year
Nature and evolution of territory
Urban Geography/Geography of territorial processes: gentrification, urban renewal and tourist practices; smart city/smart village; urban green and the right to the sustainable city; consumptionscapes and territorial structures; territorial effects of migratory flows; food geography, foodscapes, local food systems.
Geography of Information and Innovation: new technologies in virtual/real territorialization; smart tourist destination; e-planning & e-democracy; innovation ecosystems in urban and rural areas.
since 2010: enrolled at the National Register of journalists as a freelance