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Culture and Sustainable Urban Development

Authors: Smitashree Swain ||

Abstract:For a long period of time, urban development was only associated with economic growth hence resulting in development of cities as economic centre. Majority of the development and functions in these cities revolve around economy and its complimentary activities. With time the Sustainable development concept emerged which gives equal importance to Economy, Social and Environmental aspect to achieve Sustainable urban development. This approach was perceived as creation of Green cities with enormous Economic opportunity. Over the recent decades, the prospective to view the Sustainable Development has changed. At present it is realised that the most important aspect for Sustainable Development is creation of ‘Human Climate ’ i.e to creates the most desirable places for human to live and prosper and where human can establish connection with the distinctive character of his historic and natural environment. This paper provides an insight to the significance of culture and its symbiotic relationship with Sustainable Development. It also discusses various operational challenges associated with it.

Keywords:Sustainable Development, Culture

The Significant use of ICT Tools in English Language Teaching and Learning with Special Reference to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Authors: Bareq Raad Raheem || M.Amirullah Khan

Title:The Significant use of ICT Tools in English Language Teaching and Learning with Special Reference to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Abstract:Language and technology became an essential part of our lives. Language is a means of communication, and the English language considers one of the global languages. Information communication technology(ICT) has a worth valve in life aspects, and one of them is education. Thus, this study aimed to illustrate the role of ICT tools in English language teaching and learning with special reference to the covid-19 pandemic. This study discussed ICT tools such as computers, the Internet, websites, mobile phones & applications, YouTube, and language labs. The study finds that each of the mentioned tools has a vital role in teaching and learning English. These tools also have a great significance in improving the learner's skills. This study gives a special reference to the uses of ICT tools during the covid-10 pandemic and how these tools help both teachers and learners in academic purposes.

Keywords:Covid-19, Language learning, Language teaching, Skills, Technology

A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Breathing Exercises On Blood Pressure Of Patients With Hypertension

Authors: Bhardwaj,R.S Koul || Koul, Prof. Pity, Vidyasagar, Kota

Title:A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Breathing Exercises On Blood Pressure Of Patients With Hypertension


Abstract:Background and aims: Hypertension is one of the most dreaded diseases of the human kind. It is not only a risk factor for many other diseases but also the reason for plenty of complications. Relaxation techniques like Breathing Exercises have an impact on Blood pressure of patients with hypertension and are backed by various researches. The aim of present research was to estimate the efficacy of Breathing Exercises in lowering the BP of patients with hypertension. Breathing exercises considered for this review are non device guided and are specifically aimed at increasing the oxygen concentration in the body different from meditation and bio-feedback. This research is a systematic review and meta- analysis to understand the efficacy of these therapies in hypertension. Results: A comprehensive electronic and manual search with a broad strategy yielded a total of 9 studies as per inclusion exclusion criteria. Data was extracted and studies were assessed for methodological quality. It was seen that the breathing exercises were effective in reducing Blood pressure. Conclusions: The findings suggest that Breathing Exercises had a positive and significant effect on BP of hypertensive individuals.

Keywords:Meta-Analysis, Breathing Exercises, Blood Pressure, Hypertension

Women Street Vendors in Imphal: Conflicts and Challenges

Authors: Md Syed Salimuddin ||

Title:Women Street Vendors in Imphal: Conflicts and Challenges

Abstract:Street vending is one of the common practices in most of the developing countries of the world where the high rate of growth of urbanisation is often coupled with lack of job opportunities among the workforce. Hence, street vending becomes an integral part of urbanisation in the developing countries where urban poor not only make their living from the vending sector but also provide goods and services at an affordable price to urban dwellers. However, street vending is perceived negatively because of the congestion resulting out of the ever-increasing number of street vendors working in the sidewalks and streets, creating an intense struggle for space among the vendors and pedestrians. There is always confrontation among the street vendors and city authorities or regulators over space for business, conditions of works, sanitation and licensing. The competition or contradiction among the street vendors and city's authorities led to negotiations with buyers, regulators and also among the vendors themselves. The lack of voice of informal workers is one of the factors affecting hundreds of millions of vending workers around the world. On the other hand, under-representation from the informal women workers also pose a serious problem of gender equality even though the principle of gender equality is widely accepted among the members of a trade union. The present paper is an attempt in this direction to document the various challenges faced by the women vendors in the city of Imphal and also examines the ways of negotiation with the urban authorities in Imphal. The paper questions the status of women livelihood in the context of urban informal market space in Imphal

Keywords:Informal, Livelihood, Negotiation, Women Street Vendors

Microvascular Decompression VS Gamma Knife Surgery for the Surgical Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Authors: Dr Ammar Rahman ||

Title:Microvascular Decompression VS Gamma Knife Surgery for the Surgical Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Abstract:Background: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a rare chronic facial pain syndrome, characterised by severe, stabbing pain felt in one or more divisions of trigeminal nerve innervation areas. TN pain is so excruciating that it heavily impacts a patient’s quality of life. Most cases can be controlled using anti-convulsive medications, however some patients do not respond to medication or have adverse effects to them at which point surgery is considered. Many different surgical procedures are available for TN, however Microvascular Decompression (MVD) and Gamma Knife Surgery (GKS) are amongst the most widely used. This appraisal seeks to determine whether MVD is more successful than GKS in treating TN. Method: Medline, Embase and The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched, as well as executing a hand search of Google, for relevant studies comparing pain relief, pain recurrence and complications of MVD & GKS. Studies must have been published in the last 5 years, must have measured pain using the Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) pain scale and patient follow- up must have been at least one-year post-surgery. This resulted in 2 studies meeting the inclusion criteria, which were then selected for appraisal. Results: Both studies showed a statistically significant difference between the effectiveness of MVD and GKS in the management of TN. However, both studies had several flaws, weaknesses and were subject to bias, thus impacting on their credibility. Conclusion: Whilst the evidence suggests MVD provides superior outcomes than GKS, further research is required in the form of a Randomised Controlled Trial to categorically determine which treatment is more effective..

Keywords:Microvascular, Gamma Knife Surgery, Surgical Management, Trigeminal Neuralgia

A new Design and Control of a Two-Wheel Self-Balancing Robot using the Arduino Microcontroller

Authors: S.Manikandan || Reshma, G Vani prasanna, Ch Swetha, V S Hariharan

Title:A new Design and Control of a Two-Wheel Self-Balancing Robot using the Arduino Microcontroller

Abstract:In the last decade, the open source community has expanded to make it possible for people to build complex products at home. [1] In this thesis a two-wheeled self-balancing robot has been designed. These types of robots can be based on the physical problem of an inverted pendulum [2]. In this paper, we can see the design, construction and control of a two-wheel self-balancing robot. This system consists of a pair of DC motor and an Arduino UNO R3 microcontroller board, make a robot which can balance itself on two wheels the platform will not remain stable itself. Our job will be to balance the platform using distance sensors and to maintain it horizontally. At first, we have decided to just balance the robot on its two wheels

Keywords:Robot, Arduino, AT mega 328, Control Systems, PID controller, Linear Quadratic Regulator

Voltage Stability Improvement Using Static Var Compensators (SVC)

Authors: Shanti Chaturvedi ||

Title:Voltage Stability Improvement Using Static Var Compensators (SVC)

Abstract:Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers, such as the Static Var Compensator (SVC), employ the latest technology of power electronic switching devices in electric power transmission systems to control voltage and power flow, and improve voltage regulation. Given a profit-driven, deregulated electric power industry coupled with increased load growth, the power transmission infrastructure is being stressed to its upper operating limits to achieve maximum economic returns to both generator and transmission system owners. In such an environment, system stability problems such as inadequate voltage control and regulation must be resolved in the most cost-effective manner toimprove overall grid security and reliability.

Keywords:FACTS, SVC, Var, voltage control

Electric Car Charging System by Alternator

Authors: Piyush Kapila || Gaurav Puri, Manish Gaur

Abstract:This research paper relates to the functioning of an electric car with self charging from alternator to the battery. The alternator produces the electricity while the wheel is moving, allowing the alternator to move with the wheel friction. In this paper, we take all the components of alternators that include a DC-DC converter, motor, battery and controller. Alternator gets the drive from friction. Here the alternator has the ability to generate the 14V DC, which is directly connected to the DC-DC converter throughout the battery. The dc-dc converter has the ability to step up to the 50V and that is enough to charge four batteries which are connected into the series connection that produces the 48V supply. Controller gets connected to the battery, motor and another connection.

Keywords:Battery, Alternator, Controller and DC-DC Convertor, Motor.

Efficient Method for Monitoring Water Quality Parameters and Alarm System using IoT

Authors: S.Varshini || V.Murugan ,K.Divya Dharsany ,R.Hemalatha , M.Akalya

Title:Efficient Method for Monitoring Water Quality Parameters and Alarm System using IoT

Abstract:Due to increase in pollution, monitoring of water quality and biodiversity is very important for day to day life. Many revolutionary changes are possible in these research areas with new technologies. This monitoring process can be carried out with the help of Internet of Things. The water quality may differ from place to place depending upon the conditions prevailing in a particular area. The basic method for testing the water is to take samples of the water and test it manually to find water's pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen etc. Here we propose a new methodology for measuring and monitoring water quality parameters using Raspberry pi. Here remote real time monitoring is made possible by making Raspberry pi as a web server. This system can also be used as warning system in case of over pollution

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Keywords:Dissolved oxygen, Internet of Things, pH, Turbidity, Raspberry Pi, Water Quality

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Patient Monitoring Robot

Authors: Amrutha. R || Lalitha. K , Deepika T V

Abstract:This paper describes the techniques for analyzing, designing, improving and controlling the health care management system. Autonomous Intelligent Robots can perform desired tasks in any type of environment without the continuous guidance of human. A line follower robot is automated device programmed to follow a specific path. A line following robot carries the medicine to the patient whenever they need it based on the predefined path that can be either visible on a black line on a white surface or vice-versa. An IR sensor remote is used by the nurse or technician, based on which the data is sent to the system or the robot. In this algorithm Firebird V microcontrollers are used to deliver the requested provisions by the patients in the hospital. It uses three levels of feedback for path alignment, rotation offset and for avoiding obstacles. Since the path of the wards remains same in the hospitals, so a fixed path is defined and is loaded to the Firebird V through codes. In this project the robot used is Firebird V ATMEGA 2560.

Keywords:Line follower robot, Firebird V ATMEGA 2560 Microcontroller, Autonomous Intelligent Robots.

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